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Ativan (Lorazepam) is an antianxiety agent which is mostly prescribed to treat for anxiety disorders, sleeping disorders, agitation, seizure episode or withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. Lorazepam is the medicine sold under the brand name Ativan, classed under the benzodiazepine pharmaceutical drugs.

In most instances, Ativan is given orally, although it can also be injected to one’s system. This drug was patented back in 1963 and its part of the WHO essential medications list. Over 13 million people take Ativan per year in the US alone.

Ativan (Lorazepam)

Buy Ativan (Lorazepam) Online Without Prescription

Drug Name: Ativan (Lorazepam)
Tablet Strength: 2,5 mg
Available Packages: 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 160 pills
Payment Method: visa-master
Shipment: Express Delivery Service
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How to Take Ativan

First off, you can take Ativan (Lorazepam) multiple times daily, although you should follow your doctor’s dosage and tips. It doesn’t matter if you have a full or empty stomach, although the latter should be avoided if you feel upset as a response to the drug.

If you take the liquid form of Ativan, you should measure the dosage using a syringe or a spoon.

Generally, Ativan is given as a response to an episode, although many people have daily prescriptions. If the latter is the case, you must note the patterns that your doctor suggested in a calendar so that you do not miss a dose or take more often that you should.

If it happens and you miss a dose of Ativan, you should take it as soon as you remember it.

Further, alcohol and illegal drugs should not be used if you are taking lorazepam. This drug will not work as well if you do, or you could even face adverse reactions. Overdose is also possible due to lack of clear head as a response to the above substances.

In terms of dosage of Ativan:

  • 2 – 6 mg divided in three doses is the most common one. Still, the daily dosage can differ greatly, ranging from 1 – 10 mg.
  • To treat anxiety, 2-3 mg are prescribed multiple times a day, while for insomnia the dosage can be a bit higher.
  • In contrast, elder patients start with 1 – 2 mg daily, which might be adjusted afterwards.

In all cases, Ativan dosages are adjusted by your doctor, according to your response to the medication.

Noteworthy Areas to Discuss with your Doctor

For best outcomes, your doctor must be aware of a few areas if they are to prescribe Ativan (Lorazepam).

You should start off by describing your symptoms, especially if you are considering suicide or self-harming. Then, they must be aware if you were previously medicating and the effects of those drugs to your health and well-being. Similarly, if are currently on any other medication, then your doctor must know it. Some substances of Ativan do not respond as they should if you have other drugs in your system.

Your age, drug usage and pregnancy are other very important areas that you should never leave out. If any of the above do not align well with the usage of Ativan, then your doctor could treat you with any of the following:

  • Klonopin
  • Xanax
  • Valium

Should I take Ativan?

If you are suffering from anxiety, sleep, seizures or acute agitation, it is likely that you could benefit from Ativan (Lorazepam). Nonetheless, your doctor is best to decide which is the right medication for you, by first analyzing all your symptoms. Often, the following disorders and cases are treated through Ativan:

  • Sleeping problems
  • General Anxiety Disorder
  • Other Anxiety Disorders
  • Can be injected to treat a seizure
  • Administered prior to certain surgeries

Ativan can also lead to a range of side-effects, with the most common ones being: Sedation, dizziness, weakness, unsteadiness and fatigue.